Sour Spicy Beef Soup (Asem Asem Daging)
Sour Spicy Beef Soup (Asem Asem Daging)

Hello everybody, it’s Louise, welcome to my recipe page. Today, we’re going to make a distinctive dish, sour spicy beef soup (asem asem daging). It is one of my favorites food recipes. For mine, I am going to make it a bit unique. This is gonna smell and look delicious.

Sour Spicy Beef Soup (Asem Asem Daging) is one of the most well liked of current trending foods on earth. It’s simple, it’s quick, it tastes delicious. It’s enjoyed by millions daily. Sour Spicy Beef Soup (Asem Asem Daging) is something that I’ve loved my whole life. They’re fine and they look fantastic.

Hallo all , Asem-asem daging sapi merupakan salah satu masakan kesukaan keluarga saya yang tentunya lezat dan bergizi. Sour, spicy and fresh Indonesian beef soup. This dish is very populer in Central Java. The origin Spicy and Sour Indonesian Beef Soup actually came from Central Java, we used to call it 'asem-asem daging' in Indonesian language.

To get started with this recipe, we have to prepare a few components. You can have sour spicy beef soup (asem asem daging) using 19 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you can achieve it.

The ingredients needed to make Sour Spicy Beef Soup (Asem Asem Daging):
  1. Get 500 gr beef cube/shank, cut cubed
  2. Get 2 liters water
  3. Get 200 gr french beans, cut like a matchstick
  4. Take 1 big carrot, cut like a matchstick
  5. Get 2 green/unripe green tomatoes
  6. Make ready 1/4 tsp pepper
  7. Get 1 tbsp sweet soya sauce (preferably Indonesian sweet soya sauce like bango or ABC brand)
  8. Prepare 1 piece gula melaka/brown sugar (about 50 gram)
  9. Get 4 tsp tamarind juice
  10. Prepare to taste Salt, sugar
  11. Make ready Stir Fry Ingredients
  12. Take 4 big green chillies, cut
  13. Prepare 1 big red chillies, cut
  14. Take 6 bird eye chillies/chilli padi, whole - no need to cut
  15. Take 6 shallots, slice thinly
  16. Make ready 3 garlics, slice thinly
  17. Prepare 4 cm galangal/blue ginger, cut and smashed a bit to release the flavour
  18. Take 3 pcs Indonesian bay leaves
  19. Get Oil

Whenever we went to restaurants that serve native Indonesian cuisines, we always order The soup are made with lots of different variety of vegetables. Common vegetables used in this sayur asem are melinjo (which I couldn't find here in. Sayur asem or vegetables in tamarind soup is arguably Indonesia's most popular vegetable soup. This Sundanese soup is packed with plenty of fresh vegetables.

Instructions to make Sour Spicy Beef Soup (Asem Asem Daging):
  1. Clean, cut the beef cube or shank. Put in pressure cooker, add 2 litres of water and cook for 15-30 mins (beef shank 15 mins, beef cube 30 mins). Set aside.
  2. Prepare the rest of the ingredients, wash clean and cut accordingly
  3. Heat some oil in a frying pan, stir fry the shallot and garlic until fragrant and turn translucent. Add chillies, bay leaves, galangal. Continue cooking for few more minutes.
  4. Add the stir fried chillies/shallots/garlics to the beef soup. Turn on the fire again, add sweet soya sauce, brown sugar, salt, pepper, sugar. Add french beans and carrot, cook until soften. Lastly add the green tomatoes and tamarind juice. Cook for a few more minutes. I don’t cook the tomatoes until too soft/mushy.
  5. Taste, add any seasoning as needed. The soup will be a mixture of sour, spicy, sweet and salty at the same time. So refreshing
  6. Serve with warm rice 😋😋
  7. For me: at step 4, once I cook the shallots/garlics/chillies in the soup for a few minutes, I will take the chillies out from the soup and put them in separate bowl. Why? Because the longer you cook the chillies, the spicier your soup will be. And as I am cooking for the whole family, I don’t want the soup to be too spicy for my kids. We will add the chillies back before serving in our individual bowl.

Sayur asem or vegetables in tamarind soup is arguably Indonesia's most popular vegetable soup. This Sundanese soup is packed with plenty of fresh vegetables. The broth is extremely flavorful, with spiciness from chilies, sourness from tamarind and tomatoes, freshness from lemongrass. Brenebon or sayur kacang merah - red kidney bean soup, served in broth made from boiled pig's Beef kway teow - flat noodle soup with slices of beef or sometimes beef offal. Laksa - spicy noodle soup dish which has various types based on Peranakan.

So that’s going to wrap this up with this special food sour spicy beef soup (asem asem daging) recipe. Thank you very much for your time. I am confident you can make this at home. There’s gonna be interesting food in home recipes coming up. Remember to bookmark this page in your browser, and share it to your family, friends and colleague. Thank you for reading. Go on get cooking!